Timur loves codeforces. That's why he has a string s having length 10 made containing only lowercase Latin letters. Timur wants to know how many indices string s differs from the string "codeforces".
For example string s="coolforsez" differs from "codeforces" in 4 indices, shown in bold. Help Timur by finding the number of indices where string s differs from "codeforces". Note that you can't reorder the characters in the string s.
The first line contains a single integer t(1≤t≤1000) — the number of test cases.Each test case is one line and contains the string, consisting of exactly 10 lowercase Latin characters.
For each test case, output a single integer — the number of indices where string s differs.
4 5 0 4 9
Take a t test case and take input s string and make a string called str = "codeforces";
and traverse string s and str whenever they are not equal just cnt that part and increase it
at last just return that cnt as a answer.
using namespace std;
#define test long long T;cin>>T;while(T--)
#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
void solve(){
string n; cin>>n;
string m = "codeforces";
int ans=0;
for(int i=0;i<m.size();i++){
if(n[i]!=m[i]) ans++;
signed main() {
//(if you want to take the more test cases you may uncomment it out)